Bee-utiful honey… and much much more!
There’s something irresistibly sweet about the Southern Forests Honey stall at Origins Market, and it’s not just the incredible honey they produce…
Second generation beekeepers Sarah and Simon bring the love, and share their passion for bees, each and every day. And it shows! Their honey demonstrates what we all love about the south west: purity and unspoiled beauty.
Free from chemicals and antibiotics the honey they produce is 100% raw, unfiltered, unpasteurised and natural, making it incredibly useful not only for medicinal and allergy purposes but suitable for a diverse range of tastes and characteristics.
Their bees are housed throughout the biodiverse south west, feeding on the rich forest flowers of marri, jarrah and peppi trees. Each colony produces a taste all of its own, demonstrating the characteristics of its unspoiled forest surrounds and lovingly collected by Simon and his small team of apiarists.
Southern Forests Honey is amazing, not only does it give rise to some of the best honey in Western Australia, but it also forms the base for an incredible range of condiments, including everyone’s favourite creamed honey ‘bees fudge’, and a caring and nurturing range of skincare products.
It’s market location, between the urban cellar doors and the observational beehive, means that visitors over the age of 18 can also partake in a very special range of liquid goodies created by the Southern Forests Honey master brewer under the brand ‘Keepers Mead and Brewing Co’, an emerging range of Honey Wines, Meads, Braggots and Fortifieds.
Each glass holds more than tradition, it holds fun and good times that are completely out of control. Everything from sweet through to bitter sour there are no limits to what these guys can achieve with a touch of honey, malt, spice and time.
Pop along to the Southern Forests Honey stall, open from 9am Thursday to Sunday and serving their range of meads, braggots, honey wines and fortifieds from 10am each day, we are sure you will be just as stuck on them as we are!